We’ve talked about how enrolling your student in music lessons can aid in language development and with overall academic success. But the benefits don’t stop with the classroom. They extend to many other aspects of life! In particular, studying music can help instill the following three key life skills in students.

1. Responsibility  

Students enrolled in piano or voice lessons have ample opportunity to practice responsible behaviors. Primarily, students must learn to diligently practice – doing their vocal exercises or scales or songs as assigned. Also, in terms of attending the lessons themselves, it’s especially important for students to demonstrate timeliness and respect toward their instructors. There’s a lot of information to cover in one music lesson. Being on time and listening well goes a long way!

2. Discipline

Perhaps one of the more notable ways that voice lessons teach discipline is this:  any music lessons require students to discipline their own attention. They have to focus on the musical task at hand and be attentive to what they’re trying to master. Additionally, musical disciplines teach delayed gratification. It takes a long time to achieve proficiency, but it’s so rewarding when students can sing or play how they want! This is a sharp, healthy contrast to time spent on devices or screens – voice or piano lessons can be extra beneficial to today’s children for this reason.

3. Confidence

Finally, music lessons help instill a sense of confidence in students! Working hard to get a song down or excel at a vocal performance, celebrating progress mark after progress mark – that’s incredibly rewarding for a student. Similarly, when a student braves their own nerves to perform at recitals it adds even more to their confidence. They did it! Not only can they progress musically, but they can also perform in front of other people. This can be a huge confidence builder, even for shyer students.

Supporting Your Student: We’re learning that music lessons don’t just teach kids how to play piano or sing well – they’re actually teaching valuable life skills. Remember that lessons are accomplishing multiple objectives and encourage your student when they grow tired. A little encouragement can do so much for a worn-out spirit!

Are you interested in enrolling your child in music lessons at either our south Olathe, KS or our Cedar Creek location? Click here to learn more about current class offerings and enrollment.